We work with experts in each disease community to represent curated knowledge from that community in the Knowledge Portals. After completing large GWAS, disease-focused researchers often integrate multiple evidence sources in order to predict the causal or "effector" gene at each of the GWAS significant loci. We aim to provide lists of predicted effector genes for as many diseases and traits as possible, since they provide a curated overview of the genetic architecture of a disease for researchers who are not expert human geneticists. We obtain these lists and their supporting evidence from the supplementary data accompanying published papers and via direct interactions with researchers.
These lists are displayed on the Predicted Effector Genes page. Each portal displays the lists of genes predicted to be effectors for the traits and diseases that are the focus of that portal. Find more details on how to access and search the lists here.
Have you generated a list of predicted effector genes for a common disease? Please contact us to have the list displayed in the Knowledge Portals.