These results are from the preprint: Novel protein-altering variants associated with serum apolipoprotein and lipid levels. Sandholm N et al., 2022 The single variant association results have the following fields: CHR: variant chromosome POS_b38: variant position in b38 coordinates REF: reference allele EA: Effect allele N: N samples, total WES + WGS EAF: Effect allele frequncy EFFECT: Effect size for the Effect allele P: P-value The gene aggregate test results (VT or SKAT) have the following fields: GENE: Gene name NUM_VAR: number of variants fulfilling the inclusion criteria (i.e., PAV or PTV, MAF<=5% or less for VT) VARs: List of variants fulfilling the inclusion criteria N: N samples, total WES + WGS MAF_CUTOFF: Minor allele cutoff for the VT test CMAC: Cumulative minor allele count of the variants fulfilling the inclusion criteria EFFECT: Total effect in VT test for the variants fulfilling the inclusion criteria P: P-value for the VT/SKAT gene aggregate test