######################################################################## BOLT-LMM GWAS summary statistics from: Pirruccello et al (2021). "Deep learning enables genetic analysis of human thoracic aorta." Nat Genet. Note that the phenotypes were rank-base inverse norm'ed prior to GWAS. ######################################################################## Legend: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ SNP: RSID (if available) CHR: Chromosome BP: GRCh37 base pair GENPOS: Genetic position, used by BOLT-LMM ALLELE1: Reference allele and effect allele ALLELE0: Alt allele and non-effect allele A1FREQ: Frequency of the reference allele INFO: Imputation info score CHISQ_LINREG: Linear regression chi-square. Not used in the main analysis. P_LINREG: Linear regression association P value. Not used in the main analysis. BETA: Effect estimate of the effect allele SE: Standard error of the effect estimate of the effect allele CHISQ_BOLT_LMM_INF: Chi-square of the BOLT-LMM estimate from an infinitesimal model. Not used in the main analysis. P_BOLT_LMM_INF: P value of the BOLT-LMM estimate from an infinitesimal model. Not used in the main analysis. CHISQ_BOLT_LMM: Chi-square of the BOLT-LMM estimate from a spike-and-slab model P_BOLT_LMM: P value of the BOLT-LMM estimate from a spike-and-slab model