These summary statistics files (summary_stat_gwas_singleitemchronotype.txt.gz,summary_stat_gwas_smeqbinary.txt.gz and summary_stat_gwas_smeqcont.txt.gz) are associated with the manuscript "Genetic associations of chronotype in the Finnish general population" (doi: 10.1177/0748730420935328) Phenotype: self-reported chronotype (a shortened six-item (items 4, 7, 9, 15, 17 and 19) version of Horne and Östberg’s (1976) questionnaire and a single self-evaluation question on chronotype) Data: The study included Caucasian, Finnish participants from the population-based cross-sectional FINRISK 2007 and 2012 Studies covering age groups between 25 and 74 years Sample size: n = 8433 Covariates: age, sex, five principal components, genotyping batch Column descriptions CHR = chromosome POS = position (GRCh37 - hg19) ID = SNP rsid A1 = effect allele A2 = non-effect allele P = p-value for the association between SNP and chronotype BETA/OR = effect size of A1 on chronotype (OR for evening chronotype) n= sample size for each SNP EAF(A1)= frequency of the effect allele